Day 4 - Morning

I am no longer sure at all if I’ll manage to finish this trip….   It’s soo heavy….  The idea of the solar panel was a good one - and I managed that one - but it’s terribly heavy.

It rained this morning.  I slept about 11 hours in total.

My bicycle goes well, I don’t have any real pain anywhere (not even muscular pain in the morning, thanks to the yoga and stretchings, only a bit of back pain), it’s just that I don’t have the energy to carry all this.  It’s as if I was going up hill on a 4% slope continuously, and my speed falls down to 7 or 8 km (my smallest gear) as soon as the road goes up (which is half of the time here - the other half it goes downhill and I don’t pedal anymore, it’s not worth it…).
I’m only in the hills here.  It goes up and down all the time, but it’s far from being the Alps or Pyrenees…

So I don’t know what to do….

The rain was good this morning.  It washed the day of yesterday and bloqued me the Sun so that I could sleep longer.  (But now the bottom of my tent is wet, I’ve put my tent on a small shallow ground which filled with water with the rain…)

It’s also harder than I thought to be alone.  There’s nobody to bring the motivation up when it’s low.  Now it’s almost completely on the ground.

I shouldn’t have made so much advertising for this event.  I simply wanted to have a bit of fun, to go to the Dharma Yatra in France and to Spain by bicycle, but now there are a lot of people who gave money for the Open Centre (and also some for me) so that I do this tour and there were 2 (local) newspaper articles in Québec about it….
I feel a little bit stuck.

I just wrote to a frient "je n’avance pas, je me traîne" (something like "I do not move forward, I drag myself").  That’s the impression I have at the moment.

I did 172 km in 3 days (the figure seems big, I have the impression I did less than that).

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